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TMJ Treatment in Frankston

painful jawDo you often experience headaches, neck discomfort, or have trouble sleeping? Such issues might not just be daily stresses but could be linked to a misalignment of your bite. At Dental & Dentures on 88 Beach, we focus on neuromuscular dentistry, a breakthrough approach that addresses the connection between malocclusion (improper bite), headaches, facial pain, and even difficulties in breathing during sleep.

Identifying and Addressing TMJ Dysfunction

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) affects countless individuals and presents a variety of symptoms that can disrupt your day and decrease your quality of life, including

  • Discomfort or an “off” feeling in your bite
  • Jaw locking upon opening
  • Clicking, grating, or popping sounds in the jaw joint
  • Changes in hearing and ear pain
  • Dizziness and visual disturbances
  • Persistent headaches, jaw, or facial pain
  • Pain extending to the neck, back, and shoulders
  • Ringing in the ears and swelling around the face
  • Difficulty opening the mouth comfortably

These symptoms could indicate your jaw is working harder to compensate for a bite misalignment, and it’s time to see our dentist.

Relief From Jaw Pain and Headaches Starts Here

Persistent headaches that don’t subside with typical remedies might suggest a deeper issue like TMJ disorder, which may also lead to neck pain and sleep apnoea. At Dental & Dentures on 88 Beach, our care begins with a simple but effective bite test during your initial consultation to help us determine the root cause of your discomfort and create a plan to realign your bite, alleviate the stress on your jaw muscles, and subsequently reduce your symptoms.

TMD symptoms may fluctuate with stress and excitement, necessitating continued care. Regular check-ups with our skilled team ensure we keep a close eye on the health of your jaw joint, helping you manage and mitigate symptoms over time.

Alleviate Your Discomfort, Starting Today

Don’t let jaw pain and headaches control your life any longer. Contact our practice today to schedule your TMJ consultation. We offer same-day appointments to accommodate your urgent needs. Let us help you find the long-term relief you’ve been searching for.


Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


TMJ Treatment Frankston VIC | (03) 9770 6069